Year 3.3 2020-2021 Class – Welcome

The following are some points  to remind you about the things we have discussed last Wednesday.

Pin to favourites the following websites…

(No password needed)

(Log in with your ilearn credentials)

(Username – year3.3  Password – greatorchids)

(Log in with your ilearn credentials)

School starts at 8:30 until 2:00 – Admission and dismissal at Triq Ħal-Niklusi. Please be punctual.

Those parents who will not send their children to school are to inform school by sending an email.

No written notes are accepted.  Please communicate with me through email ( or MsTeams.  I will try to answer as quickly as possible but it is not always possible to answer in a short time.

Please prepare children so that they will be able to wash hands, put on mask independently. Make sure they have a small sanitizer and wipes in bag.

Two small button folders/ cases for masks.  One is to be kept in bag with a clean mask just in case the one the children are using gets spoilt.  The other button folder to be used when children need to put away  the mask they are using .  Label the folders/cases with children’s names.  Also write Clean Mask on one and Used Mask on the other. No face masks are to be left on children’s desks.  

Send transparent box and all stationary. This will be an extra space where children can keep their things and books.  They will also keep things under their desk.

Teach them to organise satchels. No toys/ gadgets allowed.

Please  wash satchels more often. Uniforms are to be washed everyday. 

Money is to be brought in an A7 button folder. Always send the exact amount.

Please get 18 euro for booklets prepared in summer.

Ours is a NUT FREE CLASS.  Do not get anything with nuts please.  Get a healthy lunch everyday.  I encourage you to get fruit everyday. No sweets, chocolate and flavored drinks.

Send last years library books / Fanali / Senduq.

Until further notice children will read books from ORT and Octavo.  They will be given a sheet and asked to read from a particular band/level.

2 Dojo marks will be given for books read and then small gifts will be given to children who come first, second and third.

We have new Maths Scheme of Books.  Children can write on Workbook.  They cannot write on Student’s book or Journal.

Birthdays – you can get a wrapped treat three days before the birthday. On the day, when treat is given children will still eat it at home.

This is a Scholastic Year with a difference but I look forward to meet you next Friday!  🙂

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1 Response to Year 3.3 2020-2021 Class – Welcome

  1. Natalie Di Gaetano Cassar says:

    Thanks for the info…


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